Dive into in-depth articles covering renewable energy, methanol, legislation, and other topics, enriching your understanding of the journey towards NetZero transition.
Nothing works without electricity. In order to ensure that enough electricity is available, the capacities for wind and solar energy must be massively increased. But as long as surplus electricity cannot be stored in the long term, this will not be of much use - Franziska Vonaesch
Download articleThe Hungarian-American George Andrew Olah (1927-2017) was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1994 for breaking a scientific taboo: he was able to prove that one carbon atom can bind not only four but five to seven other atoms. Although unspectacular to the general public, Olah’s groundbreaking research could lead the world out of the CO2 emergency. Olah’s research laid the foundation for the energy carrier green methanol, which is renewable and non-polluting – Silvio Bonzanigo
Download articleIn addition to dealing with the Corona pandemic, science is warning of a second, greater challenge: A global climate catastrophe is looming. Individuals can contribute a great deal to the energy turnaround, but the reins are in the hands of politics. At the moment, Swiss politicians are rather overwhelmed by the task and are groping in the dark when it comes to the future storage of energy. A review - Silvio Bonzanigo.
Download article“Atlantis, the mythical island state mentioned in Plato’s dialogues, is said to have been once swallowed by the sea. This could be the key to tackling the increasing CO2 pollution. Since industrialisation, man has thrown the greatnaturalcyclesoutofbalance.ByextractingtheCO2 dissolvedinsalt water and converting it into methanol, mankind could find a way out of its self-inflictedCO2 emergency.”–SilvioBonzanigo
Download articleDie Energiestrategie 2050 ist nicht verhandelbar, sie muss umgesetzt werden. Die Welt braucht Lösungen zur Eindämmung der Klimaerwärmung. Wer konstruktive Lösungsansätze abwürgt und dabei mit der Wirkungsgrad-Keule schwingt, gefährdet das Erreichen der Ziele. Es ist sinnlos, über Wirkungsgrade zu sprechen, solange nicht klar ist, welche Energietechnologie uns in eine CO2-neutrale Welt führen wird - Jil Lüscher.
Download articleThe Cham-based company Silent-Power AG is showing concrete approaches on how to achieve the energy targets - Franziska Vonaesch.
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