Climate-neutral heat generation

Heat generation for heating and drying of event spaces as well as construction sites.

Heat generation

Climate neutral and low-emission heating

Discover the benefits of heating residential buildings, event spaces and construction sites with climate-neutral Methanol.


HeatMobile 60 Kilowatts — 200 Kilowatts

Mobile Methanol-powered hot air heater with up to 200kW power, for heating and drying, with flexible external IBC Methanol storage.


HeatFix 35 Kilowatts — 53 Kilowatts

The HeatFix Methanol-fueled condensing boiler for residential heating and hot water production. With 35kW to 53kW output, low CO2 & NOx and zero fine-particle emissions an ideal replacement for heating oil installations.

Benefits of Heat line

Heat your space, not the planet

Discover the benefits of Methanol as climate neutral and low-emission alternative for heating and drying with heating oil, gas and wood.


Zero fine-particles and soot, improve community and animal life.


Traditional easy handling, installation and operation.


Local delivery and secure storage of liquid M99 Methanol


Low maintenance and increased life span vs. fossil alternatives.

Methanol M99

Climate-neutral Methanol M99

Our mission is to offer a climate-neutral alternative to fossil energy sources.

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With M99 produced from biological or renewable energy sources.

Zero fine-particles

>80% lower emissions (NOx, CO) with zero fine-particles compared to heating oil* (*internal comparison study on ECONIMO 300)

Guaranteed M99 Supply

M99 is composed from two abundant elements: CO2 and Hydrogen

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